“Lydia helped personalize my Linkedin profile to make it more professional and engaging, highlighting my strengths and making me more attractive for positions I was actively seeking. Her warm, personal approach helps make the potentially frustrating process of job searching a manageable task (and sometimes even fun!). ”
“As a small business owner with an overactive creative mind, I struggle with having too many ideas & find myself sitting on so many projects, at once, that I often lose steam before ever completing any.
I found [working with Lydia] really helpful in reminding me that each project is its own & found the outline of the project/program process really useful for keeping my focus on the project at hand. Definitely recommend.”
“The best part of working with Lydia is the instinct she has for incorporating your personal style into every aspect of the finished product. The end result is polished and personal!
Lydia is supportive and consistent with communication to keep things moving along. Her enthusiasm and capability make the work hardly seem like work at all.
She also steps in to generate or collaborate copy based on what you want provide. The result is seamless and the process is empowering.”
“It gave me the courage to take what was in my head and put it out in the world. To have other eyes and feedback on an idea is invaluable. It’s something I wish I’d done so much earlier in my business journey! I feel that in one month I have a true framework for a program that I want to do for years to come.
Lydia is super real! She talks in a way that makes sense, she isn’t “pretending”, she pauses when she needs to, and I really value her authenticity.”
-Cristina Schooler | www.rootedmethod.com
“I highly recommend Soul Income to anyone that has a dream but that they aren’t sure they’re ready or they just have a lot of self-doubt. That’s how I felt when I started this program and now I’ve come out of SIM and I have everything that I need to be able to move forward with this dream that I really didn’t think I could make happen.
That’s the gift that Lydia gives to us in SIM; the practical steps that you need to take in order to make something that’s abstract in your mind, a real thing. It changed my life!”
- Lys Santamaria
“Lydia is so authentic and I loved her stories, examples and metaphors to help us understand why we were doing certain homework and thinking through certain questions regarding our businesses.
I appreciated the support/homework reviews and the chance to share and receive feedback from others.
I love that she has created a community that really want to help people and matches their unique superpowers.”
-Erin Wike
Founder of Cafe con Resume
“All the topics we've covered we can to continue to expand on in our own ways for the rest of our lives.
Thank you for supporting me in so many ways this year. I can’t believe the person I was and the person I am and the people I’ve connected with because of this program.”
“I just wanted to say THANK YOU for this community! I couldn't done it without the confidence I've built since we started this journey together. I've been learning a lot of you and your experiences.
Thank you Lydia Jarjoura for your guidance and creating the conditions and the space to develop ourselves and find our inner voice!”
“ I'm just so thankful for this group of women and how we all are going through it together.
Everything y'all are saying and sharing is exactly the words and space I need to hear and feel.
Love you all and can't wait to be on the next call.”