SEO is for your users, not your business

SEO doesn’t have to be complicated and neither does this blog post.

Don’t over complicate your SEO and focus on the most “viable” search terms.

Think of SEO as your arrows and your user as the bulls-eye; your target.

If you’ve got a small budget, you have just a few arrows, so you’ve got make sure your target is lined up perfectly in front of you.

Here’s what I mean:

Go straight for the buyer-interest search terms.

These are SEO terms that are more than one word, and are VERY specific to where your customer is, in their buying process.

Focus on search terms that are at the bottom of the sales funnel.

The most basic example I can use is a search for therapy. A high level, research-based term would be “therapist”.

You could reach a more mid level part of your funnel with “therapist near me”.

But if you’re on a budget and don’t have much spend, try “therapist for codependency near me”.

You can tell that this searcher/potential buyer has already done their research- that’s why you want to use keywords that are more defined as to what you offer and what they need.

=They know exactly what type of therapist they need and they’re ready to buy.

So, don’t over complicate your SEO and if you’re on a tight budget, you only have a few arrows, so make sure those arrows (keywords) exactly describe the step your customer will take right before purchasing.